Who Can Form a PLLC

Business Law Tips & Advice

Attorney Nate Gilbert

Professionals in the state of Texas who are licensed by the State of Texas to perform their professional services, may form Professional Limited Liability Companies.

PLLC vs LLC Texas

Professional Limited Liability Companies are entity structures reserved for those individuals meeting certain criteria in Texas.  Specifically, PLLCs may only be formed by those individuals fully qualified as “an individual who is licensed to provide by this state or another jurisdiction the same professional service as is rendered by that professional entity.”

This is, frankly, a broad definition but at the same time specifically limited.  Simply put, if your profession requires, as part of the prerequisites to providing your services in the state of Texas, a license issued by the State of Texas, then you may form a Professional Limited Liability Company.  This includes: architects, attorneys, podiatrists, physicians, CPAs, veterinarians, dentists, etc.

So now that you know you’re qualified to start a PLLC, why would you want to do so? Click Here to learn more about the benefits of a PLLC in Texas.

Nathaniel Gilbert

Nathaniel Gilbert is the sole attorney at The Law Office of Nathaniel Gilbert, PLLC. Practicing in the areas of Business Law, Nate assist clients with LLC formation and drafting contracts in the states of Texas, Colorado, and Kansas. He can be reached through call or text at 726-999-0087.
