How Do I Change the Name of My LLC in Texas?
Interested in changing the name of your LLC in Texas? You've come to the right place, get the step-by-step from a Texas LLC attorney here.”
San Antonio attorney Nate Gilbert provides legal guidance and resources.
Interested in changing the name of your LLC in Texas? You've come to the right place, get the step-by-step from a Texas LLC attorney here.”
A Professional Limited Liability Company is specifically provided for professionals looking to offer their services through an entity in Texas. Professional services, as defined by the Texas Statutes, means “any type of service that requires, as a condition precedent to the rendering of the service, the obtaining of a license in this state.
Regardless of the form of LLC you decide on (Series LLC, PLLC, or regular old LLC) you will need to make the decision of whether your new Texas entity will be Manager Managed or Member Managed. For the sake of this page, we are going to assume the owners of the LLC have chosen to have the company be managed by one or more Managers—Manager-Managed.
New business owners in Texas often form LLCs to start their company, but this process can be full of pitfalls and sometimes even the most careful of small business owners can make a mistake. Texas LLC Formation Attorney Nate Gilbert takes a look at the most common mistakes and their solutions.
Converting to a PLLC from an LLC is a straightfoward process in Texas. Attorney Nate Gilbert provides the steps necessary to change your company to a Professional Limited Liability Company in 4 steps.
Creating an individual Series for your Series LLC is a straightforward process, but there are some critical steps that you need ...
Watch the video to discover the differences and considerations behind Manager Managed LLCs and Member Managed LLCs in Texas.
Changing your LLC’s Registered Agent is fairly simple, but can have serious consequences if not done correctly.
Formation for Series Limited Liability Companies in Texas is much the same as the Formation of a regular LLC. However, in ...