How Do I Change the Name of My LLC in Texas?

Business Law Tips & Advice

Attorney Nate Gilbert

can i file the llc name change myself?

Changing the name of your Texas LLC, Series LLC, or PLLC on your own is relatively straightforward. By following the proper procedures and filing the necessary paperwork with the Texas Secretary of State. You can easily complete the process and successfully change the name of your LLC.

Texas LLC Formation Lawyer
Change can be uncertain and a little scary. Make sure you have an attorney, like Texas LLC Formation Lawyer Nathaniel Gilbert, to help make significant changes to your business and “Bear Proof” your business and documents.

Before You start – make sure your new Texas LLC name is available

When considering a name change for your Texas LLC, it’s important to check if the desired name is available. There are several ways to do this. To do this, you must use the SOSDirect Name Search. By entering the desired name, you can determine if it’s already in use by another entity. Make sure that when checking for name availability, you will also want to search for close variants on your name and think about whether the existence of another company with a close name may cause trouble later on.  The Secretary of State will also reject a name as being “unavailable” even if the other entity is a different kind of entity, e.g., ABC, Inc. exists so ABC, LLC is unavailable. t’s crucial to perform this thorough research to ensure that the new name you choose for your LLC is unique and not already being used by another business entity.

How much does it cost to change an LLC name in Texas?

When changing the name of your LLC in Texas, there is a cost involved. The fee for filing a Certificate of Amendment with the Texas Secretary of State is $150. This fee covers the necessary paperwork to update your LLC’s Certificate of Formation and ensure the legal recognition of the new name. It’s always advisable to consult official sources or seek legal counsel for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding fees and processes related to changing an LLC name in Texas.  You may also want to file an updated Certificate of Formation, especially if you have made several amendments in the past.  This step is not required, but may be something to think about with your legal counsel.

What does the llc need to do to change the name?

After determining that the new name is available, you will need to follow the proper procedures laid out in your company Operating Agreement for making such a change. For example, you may need to hold a meeting, or otherwise circulate a Member Resolution that allows for a vote of the membership on the new name and approving the change.  Once that record has been filed, you may commence with the name change as outlined above.  Don’t forget to also amend your internal documents and the Operating Agreement itself to reflect the new name!

Who to notify after changing the name of your Llc

It’s also important to update your business bank accounts, the IRS, the Texas Comptroller, and financial institutions to reflect the new name accurately. Other parties that should be notified include vendors, suppliers, clients, and customers who regularly interact with your LLC. By keeping all stakeholders informed about the name change, you maintain transparency and avoid potential confusion or disruptions in business operations. Remember, it’s always advisable to seek legal counsel or consult with a professional to ensure you follow all necessary steps and fulfill any additional requirements specific to your LLC Formation and Industry. For more information Contact Nate Gilbert Today!

Nathaniel Gilbert

Nathaniel Gilbert is the sole attorney at The Law Office of Nathaniel Gilbert, PLLC. Practicing in the areas of Business Law, Nate assist clients with LLC formation and drafting contracts in the states of Texas, Colorado, and Kansas. He can be reached through call or text at 726-999-0087.
